It’s been a while since the last time I wrote something in this blog! Well during the last years I’ve been working as a software developer, first as Fullstack Developer and more into Backend Developement in the last 1,5 years. I would like to continue developing my career in Backend, which I enjoy way more than Frontend. But sometimes, when I’m having conversations with senior colleagues I find it difficult to follow some of them, mostly because of the theoretical level they can reach. If that happens to you, you are not alone! We’ll get there, sometime (soon?). I hope.
So some of my coworkers are specially keen on Functional Programming (onwards FP) and they will talk about monads, readers, pure functions… and other terms without stop. At the beginning I had no clue what they were talking about and while I think sometimes these kind of conversations are an entry barrier for people that want to learn more about software development, I’m starting to learn the beauty of (some) of them, and that they are even needed.
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